Unveiling the Magic of the Gang Box: Your Essential Event Survival Kit

What the hell is a Gang box and why do I need one?

I planned an event with multiple organizations along with a colleague a few years ago.  A few days before, I sent him the final list of stuff to do and items to set up for the small, community festival.

“Hey Erica. Uh, about your list. What’s a ‘gang box’?”

“It’s the box of stuff that you only use a fraction of, but if you don’t have it, you’ll need everything that’s supposed to be in it.”

“Got it. Are you bringing that?”

“On it.”

When you have a solid gang box, you’ll have all the stuff you’ll need for your trade show, festival, craft fair, fundraising event or photo shoot. And if you do it right, you’ll probably have most of the stuff to McGyver anything unexpected. I am thinking about the time when some pipe and drape hit my co-worker on the head and I appeared with an alcohol pad and a band aid. Or the time when the clothes were too big for the model and a few discreetly placed bulldog clips and safety pins made that outfit look the right size.

My gang box has varied over time and depends on the event, but here’s the basics:

Duct tape


Stapler – with staples

Post it notes

Packing tape - clear

Sharpies/marking pens


Band aids

Extra business cards for everyone

Power bar/granola bars

Tape measure



Phone charger

Bulldog clips of various sizes


Going to a Trade Show/Conference?

All of the above +

Large labels

Altoids/breath mints

All the shipping account numbers- because they are never handy on a phone (it’s dead) or a laptop

A large envelope (or multiples) for receipts/paperwork

Zip ties



Basic Gang Box +

Extra stash of promo lit- brochures, cards, stickers

Email signup form


Basket/bucket/container for raffle tickets, drawings or donations


Photo shoot

Basic Gang Box +

Gaffer tape -it leaves less residue than duct and is more flexible

Hair ties/headband (if your hair is medium-long) but can double on positioning textiles or clothes

Extra memory card and battery beyond your regular kit

Mirror (if people are involved)

Safety pins

Glass or all-purpose cleaner and rags/paper towels


Keep these items in a plastic tote that’s easy to carry around or a roller bag that stays organized. Keep in mind this is NOT the comprehensive list of things you might need for events or meetings, this is your emergency/plan B box. Need a list of standard items for upcoming events or meetings? Get in touch The Brandstalk and we’ll work one up together.